Foto saya
28th May 1994, sedang suka basket, gitar, piano, dan mulai pengen nari (?)

Senin, 28 September 2009

Tamu 'Hampir' Tak Diundang

kamis kemaren, teman saya ucon tiba-tiba nge sms

'woy hari sabtu maen ke rumah si kanya yu'

terus saya bales

'silakan haha eh aku lagi nnton phobia 2 loh'

karena ada topik phobia 2 itu ktia jadi ngomongin phobia dan bukan tentang maen ke rumah saya. jadi saya anggap cuman bercanda, ga serius. jadi hari hari ke depan nya ga saya pikirin tentang acara mane itu. nah tiba tiba hari jumat nya elsa sms saya

'nya bsk jam berapa? ada mama kamu ga?'

'hah? apaan sa?'

'itu yang maen ke rumah kamu katanya yang cowo cowo pada ikut'

NAH LOH! udah pada ngajak ngajak gitu! aaah gila langsung stress saya. langsung deh sms si ucon. dia kira aku beneran serius ngijinin hahaha ckck. akhirnya diganti hari senen soalnya hari sabtu aku ga bisa.

kalo hari senen elsa sarden ga bisa. hmm yaudah deh. jadi talita sama minyu cewenya yang dateng. pas hari senen nya talita dan minyu gabisa dateng. oh my god! berarti saya cewe sendiri. ah men makin stress aku.

beberapa menit akhirnya bisa nenangin diri juga. alhamdulillah semua nya berjalan lancar dan saya selamat hahaha.

Kamis, 13 Agustus 2009



after lots of weeks i post again heehee. i've been pretty busy with the totally different new world: SMAN 3 BANDUNG

at the first weeks, i miss my old world soooo much! my old buddies, my old school, my friends back there. but i know its only a little culture shock so i hang on on that situation. and here i am! finally feel comfortable with this world. kalo dipikirpikir dunia baru ini SERU BANGET! semuanya serba baru dan saya ga keberatan walaupun harus memulai segalanya dari awal. but thats what makes it challanging. i think i'm gonna love this world yaaaawh. dari tk sampe smp saya sekolah si sekolah swasta terus jadi belum pernah ngalamin sekolah di negeri dan ternyata begini rasanyaaaaaa asik banget gila. kita tuh bebas banget. every people have their own freedom and the other respect that. saya suka banget. disini, setiap oang menghargai dan menghormati orang lain. ga ada yang namanya memandang rendah atau status sosial2an. ah pokonya susah dijelaskan dengan kata-kata perasaan senang saya hehehe.

here is some picture's. sori baru sedikit dan ga terlalu bagus. selanjutnya bakal ada foto-foto lagi kok. enjoy ;)

This is the school hymne

This is my first test score. I got a bad score

Karena si guru neranginnya kecepetan, jadi kita pada motretin papn tulisnya aja

Ini teman sebangkut saya dan teman menggila saya, Elsa

This is Sarden. Maap lagi ga kobe mukanya hehe. Kalo ada yang kobe langsung aku ganti deh

Maap Minyu! Kamu juga ga kobe. Aslinya mah imut kok orangnya ;)

This is me and Ella at 3's bazzar

Bening (kiri) and Sheila (kanan). Ini lagi di kantin kita teh.

That's all for now. Seeee ya folks!

Minggu, 14 Juni 2009

Sweet little brother i have

this is my little brother ichi. actually, he's my step brother. he visits me sometimes with my dad hehehe. i loveeeee him so much! few words to discribe him:

1. hyperactive haha
3. really nice
4. likes to scream
5. always brings his toys
6. when he saw a toy, he must had it
7. clever young man

my mom said that he looked excatly like me when i was his age! wahaha that's mean my dad, ichi, and me are twins. i really miss him. visit me more often, ichi :)

Jumat, 05 Juni 2009


i went to kfc with jiwa, inya, and inya's family after we hunted for prom dresses (it makes me stress you know, its just not my thing). we took a seat near an aquarium. there's a fish -- i dont know what happened to him -- it just stay in a hole of a coral. me and my friends debated it, i thought he was just sleeping, but jiwa and inya thought he was dead! well, i still hope he was sleeping.

than we made a drama of him, inya started it first. we made a voice of each fish that come near him. we choose which one is his son and wife hahahaha! it was fun!

Film: Rabbit Proof Fence

this is the saddest story i've seen (hahaha lebay deh). TRUE STORY WOOOOOOW! jadi ini tentang suatu jaman dimana anak-anak perempuan orang hitam wajib dibawa oleh kulit putih, dan tinggal di sebuah asrama (baca: tempat tampungan penyiksaan) untuk dijadikan budak atau apalah saya gak terlalu ngerti. trus 3 saudari ini berusaha kabur balik ke kampungnya. mereka jalan kaki sepanjang 1300 KM! dan yang saya kagum, si kakak tertua ini pinternya minta ampun, dia selalu punya cara agar mereka dan jejak mereka gak ketauan sama orang kulit putihnya. tapi endingnya tidak terlalu bahagia zzzz, well it's the real life :D
this is the real picture of them

Minggu, 31 Mei 2009


kadang saya suka kepikiran walaupun ga terlalu saya pikirin. cuman terlintas aja dan jadi ngerasa pilu. pertanyaan yang bakal ngebuat semua orang diam merenung: kalo saya pergi ato ga ada, apa orang-orang bakal ngerasa kesepian? bakal kangen sama saya? ga usahlah semua orang, gimana dengan orang-orang di sekitar kita, yang deket sama kita?

saya ini tipe orang yang rendah diri. saya milih nyalahin diri sendiri daripada harus nyalahin orang lain. padahal sebetulnya ga perlu ada yang disalahin. tapi saya nyalahin diri sendiri. pernah saya down banget karena ngerasa ga berguna. apa saya terlalu dramatik? lebay?

semua orang pasti pengen berguna. tapi kayaknya saya memiliki rasa itu dengan berlebihan. saya terlalu ingin dianggap berguna. saya ingin orang lain sangat membutuhkan saya. saya ingin orang lain menderita kalo saya nggak ada. salah satu penyakit psikologi yang saya punya. gatau itu muncul darimana, saya juga ga ngerti. saya pengen banget ngobatin tuh penyakit. cuman gatau gimana caranya. masih baguslah saya sadar diri kalo ternyata saya kayak gitu. pengen pergi ke psikolog buat nanya masalah2 psikologi yang ada di diri saya dan cara ngobatinnya.

tapi ga usah jauh jauh ke psikolog. ternyata ibu saya adalah tempat yang cocok. selalu ngasih solusinya. ibu saya emang yang terbaik.

I Wanna Eat KEBAB!

a food the i used to underestimate.................................. but once i tasted it I FELL IN LOVEEEEEEE! the one and only kebab that i want to eat is STAR KEBAB. very unfortunately, kebab yang saya pengen itu cuman ada di montpelierre. hmmmm so far far far away.................. i wanna eat it badly right now!

by the way, this is just a picture that i download from the web. it's not my "dream kebab"


hampir selama seminggu, otak saya diperes lagi karena tes masuk sbi sma 3 bandung. itu yang lewat tes terbukanya, soal soal tes nya....


takur banget saya ga keterima. SAINGANNYA 1000 ORANG! dan pastilah mereka pintar pintar! pesimis banget sayaaaaaa! tapi semogalah dengan dukungan doa dari saya dan setiap orang yang saya mintain doa, semoga saya keterima AMIN AMIN AMIN! saya harus keterima! kalo nggak ibu saya pasti kecewa :( dan dari diri saya sendiri juga saya merasa wajib masuk sma 3! pokoknya wajib! doain yaaa smoga saya dan teman2 lolos seleksi jaus ini, smoga kita semua keterima di sma 3. amin

Sabtu, 09 Mei 2009

My Sister's BIRTHDAY!

8 mei kemaren, adek saya tercinta ulang taun! ayah dan adek kecil saya, ichi dateng juga ke rumah. dompet yang warna pink itu dari ayah sama ichi. jaket birunya dari saya sama ibu. tentu saja ritual tiup lilin tetep ada hahaha. dia tiup lilin sambil make kadonya. meskipun kemaren bukan pesta gede yang meriah tapi tetep aja hangat dan menyenangkan.

saya dan adek saya ini aneh, kita sering banget berantem tapi kontak batin kita kuat. kita sering lagi diem trus tiba2 nyanyiin lagu yang sama, dan di bagian yang sama. aneh kadang2 tapi itu berarti kita deket secara batin. muti pokonya the best sister lah in the whole universe :)

Things Around Me





Tragedi pecah gelas

saya mecahin cangkir koleksi ibu saya, langsung dimarahin besarbesaran. ini udah yang kedua kalinya saya mecahin koleksi ibu. hueuaueuaueua :(

Impian ke MAKRO

dari kecil saya pengeeeeeeeen banget masuk makro, tapi dulu ga boleh soalnya saya belum cukup umur. pas sayanya udah cukup umur, eh ibu saya udah ga langganan ke makro lagi. akhirnya kemaren habis dari tasik sekalian kita ke makro. dengan tujuan:

1. memenuhi keinginan saya
2. beli dog food buat rerra dan doki

aaaaah senang sekali, saya dan muti kayak orang kampung foto sana sini. tapi i dont care lah, cuek aja lagi!

Kamis, 07 Mei 2009

Everybody loves FREAKISH!

akhirakhir ini di sekolah, saya lagi maceuh. gatau rasanya pengen nari nari kayak zafran di 5cm. ateul badan alias ga bisa diem. maybe it because we have through the NATIONAL EXAM! aaaaah thank god! that week is a one century hell! karena tingkah laku saya yang aneh, teman binyep saya jiwa manggil saya:


hmmm. mungkin memang kata itu yang pantas buat saya. teman binyep saya yang lain jadi manggil saya freak juga. awalnya agak annoying tapi biarlah saya freak yang penting saya GAK JAIM! i really hate jaim people. they proudly use their mask everywhere anytime always ga pernah never! apalagi orang orang yang mencoba untuk jadi someone they're not! ah i hate those people. zzzzzzzz. menyenangkan jadi diri sendiri you know. saya juga pernah mengalami masa bimbang untuk menjadi orang yang seperti apa? gue ini sebenernya gimana? kalo gue jadi diri sendiri apakah orang bakal nerima saya?
tapi ternyata, kalo lu jadi diri lu sendiri orang orang malah lebih nerima lu! people are not as stupid as you think! mereka juga tahu mana orang yang pake topeng dan mana yang enggak!
saya ga peduli orang bilang saya judes, aneh, ga penting, jelek ato apalah. tapi yang penting bukan itu yang saya pikirkan tentang diri saya. yang lebih tau diri saya sendiri yang saya! bukan mereka. dan saya ga bakal peduli how they judge me, because they dont know me

FYI: I,m back to beloved TILIL!

akhirnya setelah 5 bulan lebih menunggu saya balik juga ke kamu oh tilil! aaaah saya kangen banget sama kamu, rerra, doki! dari lahir saya tinggal di sini. dan akhiranyaaaa saya punya kamar sendiri! top markotop lah si tilil kali ini! ah saya cinta kamu tiliiiiiiil!

Menggila Nunggu Angkot bareng Andrita!

jumat 1 mei 2009, habis un, saya dan teman2 rencana ngumpul di rumah jiwa buat ngebikin properti buat arbes. saya dan andri mau berangkat bareng naek angkot dari sekolah. kita nunggu angkot di depan sekolah, waktu itu sekitar jam setengah 9an. lamaaaa banget kita nunggu ga ada angkot biru yang lewat-lewat, kalo ada yang lewat juga pasti penuh. saya dan andri sampe menggila jamuran nungguin angkot biru yang ga penuh. trus daripad bosen kita foto-foto dulu aja hehehe. eh pas foto foto ada angkot lewat, lumayan kosong lagi, ah sialaaan! jadi aja ada foto andri yang ga kobe haha, padahal pengen saya pasang tapi ga boleh sama dia, ya iyalah. akhirnya kita nunggu lagi hahaha. asik sekali :-)

Jumat, 27 Maret 2009

Coldplay - Life in Technicolour II

from the album "Prospekt's March". this video is hilarious! hahahahahahah!

Check This Jazz Blues

i could learn from this for my art test nyahaaaaa!

Film: Year of Dog

The story is about a woman who really loves her dog. And one day her dog died, she became frustrated. I understand how she feel because I have two lovely dogs. I loooooooooove animals!

Adding-video-to-blog Addict

kata tom sekali2 pake b ind atuh, jadi kali ini saya pake bahasa indonesia kita tercintaaaaa ;) lama2 cape juga pake b inggris soalnya vocab saya belum terlalu banyak

udah lama saya pengen masukin video ke blog saya, saya ngeliat temen saya andri udah masukin beberapa tapi saya tetep belum tau caranya. saya pengen nanya ke andri gimana caranya tapi lupa aja terus zzzz hahaha.
akhirnya saya coba-coba sendiri ajah, kalo nge upload lama (saya jadi males, waiting is wasting for people like me) jadi saya iseng ke you tube nyari2 trailer movie yang saya suka, trus di bawah url tuh ada kode lain, nama embed ato apalah itu, saya iseng (lagi) coba copy paste ke html waktu post, eh pas di perview ternyataaa...... BISA!

lesson: jadilah orang yang iseng, karena dari keisengan muncul penemuan hahahaha!

Film: The Astronaut's Wife Trailer

for anyone who is a fan of johnny depp, YOU REALLY HAVE TO SEE THIS MOVIE!!! di sini johnny depp nya cuakeeeeep pisaaaaaan! awalnya gw ga ngira itu johnny depp, gw maki2 tuh film pembohong hahaha hbis itu adek saya blg: itu johnny depp, mbaaak! waaaaw! gw hmpir pingsan wktu nnton nya, ga juga sih lebay hahaha. kata gw sih mirip michael buble sking cakepnya hahahaha! nonton yaaa!

Kamis, 26 Maret 2009

Justiyonce “All The Single Ladies”

Nyahahahahahahaha! This video is HOROR!

Interview with Raffles

on 2nd of march, i had an interview for the raffles scholarship. i wasn’t nervous at the beginning, but when its closer to my turn, i feel like there’s some butterflies in my stomach.

grammar saya ancuuuuur skaleee! malu kalo inget2 hal itu. it was terrible! aaaaargh! i doubt they will accept me. hahaha! tapi saya udah pasrah aja deh, keterima sukur, nggak jg sukur hahahaha!

My Lost Dreamer

In a shiny day
He likes to dream
Something that maybe he could reach
Or not
Just to fill the emptiness inside his heart
And sometimes he imagines
To feel the freedom in the edelweiss field
Cause his world is too crowded
Of black and grey

He had a smile
The most expensive one in the world
That could bring me up from the bottom
He used to give me that smile
Every minute
Every time
But now I rarely see those
Maybe you cost too much problem
Days by days
It disappear

But I wonder if he still dreaming
Like what I’m doing now
His dream is as wide as the savanna
As deep as the ocean
As bright as the sunshine
And pure like water

He seems lost
Looking for someone
To cared by
To be loved by
To be smiled at
To share with
Maybe I’m not that kind of person
But I know exactly how you feel
I know your favorite things
I’m the one who noticed you when you’re sad
I watch of you incase you fall
I want to cheer you up
But you won’t let me
You know you can trust me
But you deny your own heart
That’s why you lost
You lost inside your own heart
Nobody tells you which way is right
And you don’t know what to do

I know, deep inside you
There’s someone I thought you would be
I know, that’s the real you
I will listen to all of your whispers
Cause you’re my lost dreamer.


we watch an opera from ITB, the title is OPERA GANESHA (jeng jeeeeeeng)
we were so excited to watch it, and the opera was GREAAAAT! well, as usuall we took a lot of picture (again and again) hahahaha!

look at my face! i think its a pure happiness nyahahahaha!

Mustofa’s birthday party

28th january was mus’s birthday! i was invited to his party at 30th january. andra, dea, dila, laras, jya, au and me met up at kfc at 8pm. we were preparing to go to mus’s house at gudeg banda. we told mus that all of us couldn’t come, but then we came to his house by surprise.

at the party i ate lasagna, spaghettis, and macaroni hehehe.

mus’s got thrown by eggs and water (even ketchup). he smells hahaha! but it was a great night. so happy birthday mus :)

Costume party!

after the zoo and ciwalk, we went to manda’s to spend a night there. at the beginning, we were going to study biology for the pemantapan test. but it didn’t happen haha. manda and inya bought some accessories at ciwalk. it’s a mask, red nose, and big glasses. after dinner, all of us were preparing for sleep. then we watched swenny todd. another great film that johnny depp plays! yoo-hoo!

this is some photo of our little costume parteeeeeeeeeey!

Sabtu, 14 Maret 2009

From Zoo to Ciwalk

We got another project from Mrs. Lin, our biology teacher. It’s a group project. We have to go to the zoo and write 50 names of animal and their latin name. So in 25th January, My group (me, jiwa, aster, inya, manda) went to a zoo near ITB (I still don’t know what its name because it’s the only zoo in Bandung so we just call it zoo). Manda’s little brother, randi, came along too. We were gonna spend a night at manda’s after the zoo.

This time I’m the one who late, hahaha it’s my revenge actually (just kidding but I’m not sure hehe. No, really I didn’t mean to be late, well I’m blessing in disguise). So I finally made it to the zoo. We started from alligator and then to the birds. It’s a lot of fun because we went there on Sunday (lots of my friends went there on Saturday) and we didn’t met other kids from our school.

It was like a little adventure of us because we went lots of good times there. We saw lion, tiger, and also SNAKE! I took a photo with a phyton. Yeeey! And at the end we saw a camels’ cage. There’s a side where the camel can get out his head, the camel was really cute!

After we write 50 names of animal, we took a ride on a little boat. Even when we were on the boat, we took a lots of pictures too! Wahaha. We called our self “Photo Sassy”.

We done with the Zoo, now we are heading to Ciwalk. Jiwa said that ciwalk is near the zoo, we can go there by walking. So we ask a man about the route to ciwalk. He said that we can go there by walk from some little road beside the zoo’s exit. So we walked for about half hour. We were tired but the great thing is that we saw a lot of things that we never seen before. Unfortunately we were to tired to take a picture of those.

We saw a unique house, we saw a big tree in the middle of cross-road of “rat street” (Indonesian: jalan tikus, haha). Then we made it to ciwalk. We ate at soho and hang out there for a while, just for refreshing from our routine at school :)

Selasa, 24 Februari 2009

Saturday for cheers :)

It was 17th January, me and my friend was planning to go to Museum Geology. Then we were gonna do some group project.

Jiwa, inya, and I set up to meet at Museum Geology at 9am. I waited for about ONE AND A HALF HOUR and they still didn’t show up! So I went to pakde’s office that near the museum to call jiwa and inya.

Finally, at 10.30am jiwa arrived. Then we continued to enter the museum. Jiwa brought his brother camera. It’s a camera for professional photographer that has a really good pixel. While we wait for inya, we took a lot of pictures there.


Inya has arrived and we continue to explore the whole 1st floor of the museum. There’s a lot of new knowledge that I get. Well, mostly we took a picture (even in the bathroom we took some pictures)

but I was impressed of what I knew back then. For all of you who had a big curious on something like this, you should stop by.

When we were about to go upstairs to the 2nd floor, the guide announced that the museum is closed. Yaaaaw! That’s too bad. I think we too much “enjoying” the bathroom hahaha! We went outside and manda arrived, so we took more time to enjoy the park outside the museum (and took lots of pictures too haha).

We have satisfied of taking pictures, before going to my house we drink some yoghurt in Yoghurt Cisangkuy. We were talking about lots of thing there; our class, problems, friends, type of people, and other topics.

At my place, we went to the roof (Indonesian: loteng, is it correct?) because my sister brought her friend too. We took lots of picture AGAIN! Hahaha. Then aster came. So we enjoyed that moment in my roof.

It is one of my greatest day :)

Minggu, 08 Februari 2009

Happy birthday, JIWA!

Last 9th January was my best friend birthday, NADYA JIWA SARASWATI. I was thinking to give her some good and useful present for her. And I come with an idea to give her a BOOK NOTES! So it will encourage her to write more of the lesson in school. Once again I said: happy birthday jiwa :)

This is Jiwa. She's really cute!

Drink it from the bottle yeah!

A few days ago, I was really thirsty. Bad news: we was running out of nutri sari. Good news: there was a bottle of Dutch’s Guava syrup. So, I took a glass and a spoon. For a few second, my mind got blown away. I don’t know why. And I was holding the bottle of syrup that time. Then I felt like there’s something really sweet in my tongue. Unconsciously, I drank the syrup STRAIGHT FROM THE BOTTLE! Ooooowh! No wonder the syrup was too sweet. Yuck! I cleaned the bottle’s mouth quickly. On my god, I’m so sorry to the others who have drunk that syrup after this incident happened. I guarantee my saliva brings no virus.

I'm Sorry :'(


Its a new year, so its a new me. I’m starting to have an interest on talking (or writing) in English. My vocab is not so good, so if there’s some words that have the wrong spelling, take my apology :) please enjoy!

Finally this new year, i can celebrated it with friends in mbe’s place. Me, atik, mus, mbe, manggala met up at suci. I was in the middle of boys’ talking. Lucky i got atik in my side so i wasn’t the only girl.

Then atik and i went to mbe’s place with his car. Mbe said that ai and destin had got there, so we made it a hurry. At mbe’s, we played basket while waiting for others. Tom came. then, gazza came by his motorcycle. We were talking about something and gazza suddenly talked like this,

It wont be funny if it’s on english
Mbe: gaz, lu bis ngerusak citra lu sendiri
Gazza: gua ga butuh citra, yang gua butuh mitra! Hahahahaha!
Mbe: hahahaha!

Then, he ask for a joke.
Gazza: why is prince diponegoro wearing surban?
We: ???
Gazza: because he rode on horse on the war
Tom: ha? Why is that?
Gazza: because if he rode a motorcycle, he had to wear helmet! Hahahaha!
We: hahahahaha (LOL)

Jiwa came, followed by inya and the ato.
We ate spaghetti and lasagna for the afternoon snack with some soft drinks and cakes. And of course we pray for ashar time. We were about going to go to “bukit bintang”. But we cancelled it.

So we played UNO! Yeeey! I think this is the most exciting part of all. Some people got +12 or even more and that’s what makes this part great! Some had been skipped or added by other wahaha! Tom apologized to destin because he added her a lot. He said, “Tin, maaf” with his straight face. Gazza and mbe made it a song! haha so hilarious! And every word that tom said for destin, they add it to the song hahaha. In the middle of the game, mus and manggala finally came.


But then we decided to go to “bukit bintang”, its 8 pm. I took a picture a lot. The view was good from there. In other side of Bandung, there’s a lot of fireworks. It was a beautiful night. When we went back home, we met aster. Yeeey!

it's cold outside but its warm inside

At mbe’s we ate again hahaha! After that, we play card, the game is named 24. wew, that’s a cool name huh? One game can only have player by 4. Mus, manggala, gazza, and mbe were in the same game. I played with other group. At mbe’s group, the loser must have his face covered by powder. Oh maaan! Mus was becoming white hahaha! oh yeah, and gazza played piano!

Jiwa and Inya are ready to eat

Twenty Four
manggala in white
gazza played some jazz

Than we release pazzo, mbe’s dog. Pazoo was really cute! But the other ware afraid of him. But then, we turned on some fireworks. It’s a great moment. We played 24 again and we burned some corn! Mmm! Yumm!


Near the middle of the night, we turned on the bigger firework and some music from the radio. Mbe tried to defeat the bigger fireworks that came from PVJ. Its useless but fun! Haha!

Just face it, Mbe. They'll always win.

Destin and ai were about to go home, but can’t because there was a huge traffic jam on the road. So we went back inside and play another 24. we all were so sleepy, mus and manggala fell asleep on the carpet. Finally, destin, ai, inya, jiwa, and aster went home. Me and atik spent a night at mbe’s.

Sleep tight zzz

When we were gonna sleep, atik and I stopped by at the boys’ room. We got a little entertainment, when atik turned on the lamp, mus, gazza, and mbe did some pose on the bed. Atik turned off and turned the lamp on again, they did some different pose. Hahaha! How silly they are.

In the next day, the girls woke up earlier. I sat on the balcony that is connected with the boys’ room. Ato woke up. Tom and manggala woke up, then they sleep on my bed because all over the night they slept on the carpet. Wow, what a pity. Hahaha. All of us have waked up then we ate bread and manggala’s brownies for break fast and didn’t forget to drink milk.

Good sleep then

Gazza went home then. And the others went home also. Me and atik went home with mus’s car. And we dropped in simpang.
