Its a new year, so its a new me. I’m starting to have an interest on talking (or writing) in English. My vocab is not so good, so if there’s some words that have the wrong spelling, take my apology :) please enjoy!
Finally this new year, i can celebrated it with friends in mbe’s place. Me, atik, mus, mbe, manggala met up at suci. I was in the middle of boys’ talking. Lucky i got atik in my side so i wasn’t the only girl.
Then atik and i went to mbe’s place with his car. Mbe said that ai and destin had got there, so we made it a hurry. At mbe’s, we played basket while waiting for others. Tom came. then, gazza came by his motorcycle. We were talking about something and gazza suddenly talked like this,
It wont be funny if it’s on english
Mbe: gaz, lu bis ngerusak citra lu sendiri
Gazza: gua ga butuh citra, yang gua butuh mitra! Hahahahaha!
Mbe: hahahaha!
Then, he ask for a joke.
Gazza: why is prince diponegoro wearing surban?
We: ???
Gazza: because he rode on horse on the war
Tom: ha? Why is that?
Gazza: because if he rode a motorcycle, he had to wear helmet! Hahahaha!
We: hahahahaha (LOL)
Jiwa came, followed by inya and the ato.
We ate spaghetti and lasagna for the afternoon snack with some soft drinks and cakes. And of course we pray for ashar time. We were about going to go to “bukit bintang”. But we cancelled it.
So we played UNO! Yeeey! I think this is the most exciting part of all. Some people got +12 or even more and that’s what makes this part great! Some had been skipped or added by other wahaha! Tom apologized to destin because he added her a lot. He said, “Tin, maaf” with his straight face. Gazza and mbe made it a song! haha so hilarious! And every word that tom said for destin, they add it to the song hahaha. In the middle of the game, mus and manggala finally came.
But then we decided to go to “bukit bintang”, its 8 pm. I took a picture a lot. The view was good from there. In other side of Bandung, there’s a lot of fireworks. It was a beautiful night. When we went back home, we met aster. Yeeey!
At mbe’s we ate again hahaha! After that, we play card, the game is named 24. wew, that’s a cool name huh? One game can only have player by 4. Mus, manggala, gazza, and mbe were in the same game. I played with other group. At mbe’s group, the loser must have his face covered by powder. Oh maaan! Mus was becoming white hahaha! oh yeah, and gazza played piano!
Than we release pazzo, mbe’s dog. Pazoo was really cute! But the other ware afraid of him. But then, we turned on some fireworks. It’s a great moment. We played 24 again and we burned some corn! Mmm! Yumm!
Near the middle of the night, we turned on the bigger firework and some music from the radio. Mbe tried to defeat the bigger fireworks that came from PVJ. Its useless but fun! Haha!
Destin and ai were about to go home, but can’t because there was a huge traffic jam on the road. So we went back inside and play another 24. we all were so sleepy, mus and manggala fell asleep on the carpet. Finally, destin, ai, inya, jiwa, and aster went home. Me and atik spent a night at mbe’s.
When we were gonna sleep, atik and I stopped by at the boys’ room. We got a little entertainment, when atik turned on the lamp, mus, gazza, and mbe did some pose on the bed. Atik turned off and turned the lamp on again, they did some different pose. Hahaha! How silly they are.
In the next day, the girls woke up earlier. I sat on the balcony that is connected with the boys’ room. Ato woke up. Tom and manggala woke up, then they sleep on my bed because all over the night they slept on the carpet. Wow, what a pity. Hahaha. All of us have waked up then we ate bread and manggala’s brownies for break fast and didn’t forget to drink milk.
Gazza went home then. And the others went home also. Me and atik went home with mus’s car. And we dropped in simpang.
You and Me?
1 minggu yang lalu
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