after lots of weeks i post again heehee. i've been pretty busy with the totally different new world: SMAN 3 BANDUNG
at the first weeks, i miss my old world soooo much! my old buddies, my old school, my friends back there. but i know its only a little culture shock so i hang on on that situation. and here i am! finally feel comfortable with this world. kalo dipikirpikir dunia baru ini SERU BANGET! semuanya serba baru dan saya ga keberatan walaupun harus memulai segalanya dari awal. but thats what makes it challanging. i think i'm gonna love this world yaaaawh. dari tk sampe smp saya sekolah si sekolah swasta terus jadi belum pernah ngalamin sekolah di negeri dan ternyata begini rasanyaaaaaa asik banget gila. kita tuh bebas banget. every people have their own freedom and the other respect that. saya suka banget. disini, setiap oang menghargai dan menghormati orang lain. ga ada yang namanya memandang rendah atau status sosial2an. ah pokonya susah dijelaskan dengan kata-kata perasaan senang saya hehehe.
here is some picture's. sori baru sedikit dan ga terlalu bagus. selanjutnya bakal ada foto-foto lagi kok. enjoy ;)

That's all for now. Seeee ya folks!
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